Psychiatric Disorders

As the prevalence of mental health disorders increases throughout the world, we see a rise in awareness around the importance of mental wellness. Your mental health has a deep impact on your normal life, relations, career, and overall well being. The good news is that many mental disorders are treatable with proper counseling and medications. Keep reading to learn more about psychiatric disorders.

What are Psychiatric Disorders?

A psychiatric disorder is a mental disease that badly affects your behavior and mood. It is often associated with unusual thinking and abnormally extreme response to any triggering situation or event. Psychiatric disorders are diagnosed by mental health experts.

Causes of Psychiatric Disorders

Anyone can develop mental illness; however, the following are some common causes.

  • Genes
  • Some history of mental or physical abuse
  • Head Injury
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Chemical misfunction in brain

Types of Psychiatric Disorders

Experts have now detected many types of psychiatric diseases; the following are some of them.

  • Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are defined as extreme fear of the future. It can get worse over time and can be very disabling, interfering with daily life functioning. People with anxiety disorders often see themselves in difficult, dangerous, and bad situations that could happen. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, phobias, or general anxiety disorder.

  • Mood Disorders

Mood disorder is defined as a problem which effects the person’s emotional state. 2 broad categories of mood disorders include Depression and Bipolar disorder. Depression is also called as major depressive disorder or unipolar depression in which person experience low mood, lack of pleasure, low energy, lack of motivation, feelings of hopeless and helpless. It varies in severity and more severe depression can present with suicidal thoughts. On the other end, in bipolar disorder, person experiences 2 extreme emotional states. On one end, it presents as depression but on the other end, extremely opposite to depression i.e., feeling elated or irritable, high in energy, lack of sleep and still feeling energetic, rapid speech and thoughts, increased risk-taking behaviors etc.

  • Psychotic Disorders

People with psychotic disorders start to live in an imaginary world. They lose touch with reality and experience extreme symptoms of hallucinations and delusions.  Symptoms and presentation vary from individual to individual and is considered as one of the extreme forms of mental illness.

Medication management is almost always needed.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

It is a disorder which person tend of have recurring unwanted thoughts or ideas as obsessions or they feel driven to do compulsive behaviors. Person feels the urge to repeat behavior over and over, despite not having the desire to at times. Common themes include repetitive hand washing, excessive checking behaviors, compulsive counting etc.

Other Types

Other types of mental disorders include personality, ADHD, sexual, trauma associated disorders and substance use problems.

Treatment for Mental Diseases

There are several mental health treatments available now, usually involves the following things.

  • Therapy

The mental therapy includes counseling sessions with a psychotherapist, health group discussions, and meditation exercises. Such therapy sessions are a great way to treat mental diseases. There are variety of therapy techniques available, which is customized according to patient’s problems.

  • Medication

Psychiatry has evolved over time significantly, rapid advancement in psychopharmacological interventions has led to reduction of mental disease burden in the community. There are several different classes of medications available these days which are chosen based on patient’s underlying mental health problem. One of the major concerns with psychiatric medications has always been their side effects, but these days newer and newer agents are being produced with favorable side effects profile without losing the efficacy.

When to See A Doctor?

If your mental disorder symptoms cross a certain period and become too extreme to handle, you must get yourself checked. Try to keep your mental health in check. Remember the earlier you start your treatment, the better it is for you.

Final Words

To conclude, mental disorders are not any different from physical ones. The experts have now demonstrated numerous types of psychiatric disorders and their treatments. If you experience any signs of mental illness, consult an expert ASAP!